
作者: 发布时间:2022-02-22 阅读量:


汪樱,1989年6月生,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,湖北武汉人,现为中国自然资源学会会员、中国地理学会会员、美国地理学会会员。主要从事生态系统服务与农户可持续生计、农村土地政策、人类—环境耦合系统演化、多智能体模拟等相关领域研究。入职以来,主持国家自然科学基金青年与面上项目各1项、湖北省自然科学基金面上项目1项、湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目1项,作为骨干成员参与科研项目10余项;获湖北省科技进步奖三等奖1项。在Journal of Rural Studies、Land Use Policy等SSCI/SCI/CSSCI期刊发表学术论文30余篇。担任Land Use Policy、Applied Geography、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Environmental Management、Ecological Indicators、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Regional Sustainability、Ecological Informatics、Regional Environmental Change、Heliyon等国际学术期刊审稿人。



2012/09 - 2018/06,中国地质大学(武汉),土地资源管理系,硕博连读博士

2015/12 - 2017/12,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山校区,地理系,博士联合培养

2010/09 - 2012/06,华中科技大学,建筑学,双学位

2008/09 - 2012/06,中国地质大学(武汉),土地资源管理系,学士








2014/12- 2015/12,中国地质大学(武汉)实验室开放基金:“基于Dyna-CLUE的海南省陵水县土地利用变化:驱动机制、生态环境效应及情景模拟”,主持,结题








2015/12-2017/12,美国国家科学基金重大课题(1313756):“CNH: The Effects of China's Grain-for-Green Program on the Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human System in Rural China”,参与,结题

2013/01- 2014/12,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2012FFB02702):“生态承载力约束下的城市土地利用格局演化与结构优化研究”,参与,结题



Wang, Y*., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Wang, J., Sannigrahi, S., Bilsborrow, R., Bellingrath-Kimura, S.D., Li, J., Song, C*., 2021. Role of social networks in building household livelihood resilience under payments for ecosystem services programs in a poor rural community in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 208–225.

Wang, Y.,Zhang, Q., Sannigrahi, S., Li, Q., Tao, S., Bilsborrow, R., Li, J., Song, C*., 2021. Understanding the Effects of China's Agro-Environmental Policies on Rural Households' Labor and Land Allocation with a Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Model. JASSS-The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24(3).

Wang, Y., Zhang, Q*., Bilsborrow, R.E., Tao, S., Chen, X, Kira, S.-W., Huang, Q., Li, J., Song, C*., 2020. Effects of payments for ecosystem services programs in China on rural household labor allocation and land use: Identifying complex pathways. Land Use Policy, 99, 105024.

Wang, Y*.,Bilsborrow, R.E., Zhang, Q., Li, J*., Song, C*., 2019. Effects of payment for ecosystem services and agricultural subsidy programs on rural household land use decisions in China: Synergy or trade-off? Land Use Policy, 81, 785-801.

Wang, Y., Li, X*., Zhang, F*., Wang, W., Xiao, R*., 2019. Effects of rapid urbanization on ecological functional vulnerability of the land system in Wuhan, China: A flow and stock perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 248, 119284

Wang, Y.,Li, X*., Zhang, Q., Li, J*., Zhou, X., 2018. Projections of future land use changes: Multiple scenarios-based impacts analysis on ecosystem services for Wuhan city, China. Ecological Indicators, 94, 430-445.

Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*.,Li, J*., 2023. Quantifying the spatial impact of landscape fragmentation on habitat quality: A multi-temporal dimensional comparison between the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Yellow River Basin of China. Land Use Policy, 125.

Bi, Y., Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*., Li, J., Yang, H., Zhang, B., 2023. Coupling relationship between urbanization and water-related ecosystem services in China's Yangtze River economic Belt and its socio-ecological driving forces: A county-level perspective. Ecological Indicators, 146.

Chen, Q., Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*.,Wu, D., Li, J., 2023. A comparative study on urban land use eco-efficiency of Yangtze and Yellow rivers in China: From the perspective of spatiotemporal heterogeneity, spatial transition and driving factors. Ecological Indicators, 151.

Wu, D., Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*., Gong, J., Li, J., Chen, Q., 2023. Urban expansion patterns and their driving forces analysis: a comparison between Chengdu-Chongqing and Middle Reaches of Yangtze River urban agglomerations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

Yang, B.,Wang, Y*.,Li, Yan., Mo, L., 2023. Empirical Investigation of Cultivated Land Green Use Efficiency and Influencing Factors in China, 2000–2020, Land,12,1589.

Zhang, B., Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*., Li, N., Li, J., Yang, H., Bi, Y., 2023. Multiscale ecosystem service synergies/trade-offs and their driving mechanisms in the Han River Basin, China: implications for watershed management. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Liu, L., Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*., Liu, C., Zhang, B., Bi, Y., 2023. Land Use and Ecosystem Services Evolution in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, China: Implications for Sustainable Management of National Projects. Land 12.

Zhang, B.,Wang, Y*., Li, J., Zheng, L., 2022. Degradation or Restoration? The Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Ecosystem Services and Its Determinants in the Yellow River Basin, China. Land, 863.

Zheng, L.,Wang, Y*., Li, J*., 2021. How to achieve the ecological sustainability goal of UNESCO Global Geoparks? A multi-scenario simulation and ecological assessment approach using Dabieshan UGGp, China as a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129779.

汪樱,唐兰云,王卫雯,王建英,郑亮, 2023.农户生计韧性驱动机理及其生计环境效应.长江流域资源与环境, 32, 665-677.

汪樱,李江风,2013. 基于生态服务价值的乡镇土地利用功能分区——以湖北省神农架木鱼镇为例. 国土资源科技管理, 06: 20-27.


Gu, Z., Gong, J.,Wang, Y., 2023. Construction and evaluation of ecological networks among natural protected areas based on “quality-structure–function”: A case study of the Qinghai-Tibet area, Ecological Indicators,151(7664):110228

Li, X.,Wang, Y.,Song, Y., 2022. Unraveling land system vulnerability to rapid urbanization: An indicator-based vulnerability assessment for Wuhan, China. Environmental Research, 112981.

Wang, W., Gong, J.,Wang, Y., Shen, Y., 2022. The Causal Pathway of Rural Human Settlement, Livelihood Capital, and Agricultural Land Transfer Decision-Making: Is It Regional Consistency? Land 11.

Wang, J., Xu, Y., Zou, L.,Wang, Y.,2021. Does Culture Affect Farmer Willingness to Transfer Rural Land? Evidence from Southern Fujian, China. Land 10.

Wang, W., Gong, J.,Wang, Y.,Shen, Y., 2021. Exploring the effects of rural site conditions and household livelihood capitals on agricultural land transfers in China. Land Use Policy 108.

Xiang, J., Li, X., Xiao, R.,Wang, Y.,2021. Effects of land use transition on ecological vulnerability in poverty-stricken mountainous areas of China: A complex network approach. Journal of Environmental Management 297, 113206.

Zhang, Q.,Wang, Y.,Tao, S., Bilsborrow, R.E., Qiu, T., Liu, C., Sannigrahi, S., Li, Q., Song, C., 2020. Divergent socioeconomic-ecological outcomes of China’s conversion of cropland to forest program in the subtropical mountainous area and the semi-arid Loess Plateau. Ecosystem Services 45.

Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A.S., Sarkar, K., Chakraborti, S., Joshi, P.K., Zhang, Q.,Wang, Y., Bhatt, S., Bhatt, A., Jha, S., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., 2020. Examining the effects of forest fire on terrestrial carbon emission and ecosystem production in India using remote sensing approaches. Science of the Total Environment 725, 138331.

Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A.S., Zhang, Q.,Wang, Y.,Joshi, P.K., Chakraborti, S., Coscieme, L., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Sutton, P.C., 2020. Identification of Conservation Priority Zones Using Spatially Explicit Valued Ecosystem Services: A Case from the Indian Sundarbans. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 16(5), 773–787

Sannigrahi, S., Zhang, Q., Joshi, P.K., Sutton, P.C., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Pilla, F., Basu, B.,Wang, Y., Jha, S., Paul, S.K., Sen, S., 2020. Examining effects of climate change and land use dynamic on biophysical and economic values of ecosystem services of a natural reserve region. Journal of Cleaner Production 257.

Sannigrahi, S., Zhang, Q., Pilla, F., Joshi, P.K., Basu, B., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Wang, Y.,Sutton, P.C., Chakraborti, S., Paul, S.K., Sen, S., 2020. Responses of ecosystem services to natural and anthropogenic forcings: A spatial regression based assessment in the world's largest mangrove ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 715, 137004.

朱晓南,刘艳中,汪樱,陈勇,张祚,2020.武汉市生态系统服务功能对城市用地扩张的响应机理,长江流域资源与环境,29(07): 1515-1524.

雷彬,李江风,周学武,赵栋,汪樱,2015.湖北大别山(黄冈)国家地质公园地质遗迹资源特征及地学意义.地球学报, 3: 376-383.



2023年7月,第一届《中国环境科学》青年论坛,口头报告:“Exploring the nexus between perceived ecosystem services and livelihood well-being for rural households in Dabie mountainous area, China”


2021年12月,第七届“国际青年学者地大论坛”小奶猫直播地址cciwxyz分论坛,口头报告:“Role of Social Networks in Building Livelihood Resilience under Payments for Ecosystem Services in a Poor Rural Community in China”

2021年4月,美国地理学家学会(AAG)年会,口头报告:“Understanding the Effects of China's Agro-Environmental Policies on Rural Households' Labor and Land Allocation with a Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Model”

2021年4月,国际景观生态学协会北美分会(IALE-NA)年会,口头报告:“Agent-Based Modeling to Assess Impacts of China's Agro-Environmental Policies on Rural Households' Labor and Land Allocation Decisions”




2017年4月,美国地理学家学会(AAG)年会,口头报告:“The Direct and Indirect Determinants of Rural Household Labor Allocation: A Case Study in Tiantangzhai Township, Anhui, China”









E-mail:yingwang0610@cug.edu.cn; yingwang0610@hotmail.com





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